
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today is the day! #SOL16

Today is the day!

The sun is shining, bright and beautiful.  The temperature soars too warm for a jacket or even long pants.  Plans for dinner change from soup and salad to grilling something, anything.

Everyone itches to get outside.  What chore can we find?  What situation can we create?  What can get me closer to the fresh air, soaking up some sun?

Is it too early to talk about gardens?  We don't care.  Did they just mention swimming?  That sounds like fun!  Do we have any sun block?  I don't think we do.  Can you turn on the air conditioner?  Maybe we will.

"Dad are you going to cut the grass?  It's getting really long."

We cut the bushes, burn the grasses, wash the dog.  We clean out the garage, get out our summer clothes totes, put away the boots and hats and gloves.

Today is the day!  Spring has sprung!

What's that?  It's going to be a high of 40 this weekend?


  1. I love the crazy back and forth of spring! Who knows how to dress from one day to the next. You guys were busy on those beautiful days! Maybe take out the long sleeved things for just a little bit longer!

  2. I sometimes think that God gives us a few warm, sunny days in late winter/early Spring to give us hop. We can bear the rain (and snow in some places) because we have the promise of warm weather to come.


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