
Friday, March 27, 2020

Good Day

#SOL20 Day 27

Like many of you, Zoom meetings dictate my days, and today, was a good day.

First, our staff met for breakfast.  We each took a turn checking in and talking about this very long week where we have all forgotten which day it is.  Does it even matter what day of the week it is? 

Anyway, I am an easy crier, but I've been remarkably (in my own opinion) stoic and even keeled though these first couple weeks.  I didn't even cry at the parade this week when I know lots of us might have shed a tear or two.  However, today, when I saw two pages full of my co-workers smiling at me from their little Brady Bunch windows, I felt my throat closing a bit.

As a whole, we celebrated the parade and connections with others.  Almost 40 of us, taking turns talking about what we've been doing for the last two-ish weeks and smiling.  When it was my turn, one of the last five or so, I got choked up again.  I was going to say something sassy about laundry and dishes, but instead, overwhelmed by the faces looking at me, I choked up and just said, "I love you guys!"

The fact that so many made time to connect, made me so proud to be a part of the group.  These people truly care about one another.  It was a warm fuzzy feeling that carried me through the day.


  1. It's the connections that are so important right now. I have gotten choked up during zooms this week... something about seeing everyone's faces... it just feels so emotional. You're right - these times are really showcasing the care we have for one another!

  2. That's a very sweet story! I think most of us are realizing right now how important connecting is....We really do need each other, don't we? ~JudyK

  3. I choked up reading this! I really miss my colleagues!

  4. It is just so unlike you to cry! ;)
    I never thought much about the connections I have with random people until there is no longer the opportunity for the connection and then it is so missed.


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