
Friday, March 24, 2017

simply sign here, it's electronic 24/31 #SOL17

So, a slice of my day actually just happened a few seconds ago.  I have been drowning in an electronic document signature snafu.

Todd and I both need to sign a real estate contract.  Fortunately, the real estate agent sent the documents, three of them, through email.  According to the directions, simply click on the link within and review, then sign the documents.

I proceed to follow the directions.  I click the link.  It takes me to a secure site that has me read a consent statement and I click ok.  Then to the documents, I open the first one.  There is no signature button.  It says there has been one party sign.

To make a long, crappy story shorter, I kept circling from the documents to the listing file to the documents to the file.  There was nowhere to click to sign there were no signature buttons to push.  I am fairly good at computer stuff, and this is completely beyond me.  I was frustrated and unhappy that I couldn't figure it out.

So, tomorrow, my slice may be the same, but with it ending in a celebration of signatures!

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