
Sunday, March 31, 2019

With a Grateful Heart

I don't have anything deep or profound to write today.  Except that I am deeply and profoundly grateful to The Two Writing Teachers and this community for allowing me to be a part of this challenge.  I have about forty tabs opened in my browser of blogs to re-read and revisit.  It has been an absolute pleasure!

In some ways it seemed a bit easier this year, almost over before I felt the pressure to write.  In years past I have struggled with writing each day, but this year...not so much.

I post tonight with a grateful heart and renewed spirit.  I did it!


  1. First, congrats!! Yea!! I really resonated with this statement: "Except that I am deeply and profoundly grateful to The Two Writing Teachers and this community for allowing me to be a part of this challenge." ME TOO. Every year is a pleasure and I'm so grateful for the challenge each year! See you next year!!

  2. Amen and Amen. Thank you to TwoWritingTeachers and to my own awesome writing teacher. I am pretty sure she helped me learn to spell and write my name and she sure helped me in introducing me to this challenge!


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